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Transpersonal Mentoring Description
Transpersonal Mentoring: What Does It Offer You?
Here are more common questions to determine if Transpersonal Mentoring is right for you?
Do you sometimes think your personal issues block your spiritual development?
Do you ever feel like your current spiritual path does not take into account the radical events
of the world, the future of the planet and humanity as a whole?
Have you ever wondered if your spiritual practice was actually the right fit for your learning style?
Do you have trouble meditating?​
Do you ever feel as if your whole being is being disrupted by the stormy sea of the collective consciousness and the political, economic and social turbulence of our world?
Where does the body fit into your practices?
Does your life seem at odds with the profound nature of your inner spiritual life?
Choosing a spiritual mentor is an important decision. Because I work from a relational perspective, the "right fit" between our personalities, souls and spirits matter, so our first consultation addresses this. Transpersonal Mentoring is whole person mentoring. It includes my getting to know you across the many contexts of your inner and outer life-inner thoughts, feelings, and consciousness experiences as well as daily life experiences. And since Evolutionary Consciousness take the body seriously, I will be exploring with you the role of your physical self in your overall path.
The real joy in Transpersonal Mentoring for me is the discovery and exploration of who you are. You are a unique facet of the Eternal Mystery and when you unfold, the pieces of the Infinite puzzle fall into alignment.
Individualized Mentoring
Each spiritual seeker has his/her own trajectory where each is the sum total of :
their unique individual personality essences and traits
their particular life experiences and history
their multi-dimensional spiritual history and spiritual lineage
their ancestral and DNA heritage,
their community and rich cultural connection
their connection to the Planet and the Land upon which we were born and reside
The foundation for my consulting springs from a creative integration of my various skills as a psycho-spiritual mentor, intuitive, subtle energy practitioner, and neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) specialist. Co-creating with my clients the right balance among these various modalities offers an individualized approach to the mentoring process. My consultations and teachings are based in the belief that growth and transformation are natural outflows of developing your "being" and natural essence.
My work has been profoundly influenced by the work of Jung, Psychosynthesis, attachment theory, neuroscience models of behavior change and quantum physics. I also embrace the belief that spiritual growth and personal growth go hand in hand and that the exploration of your "shadow side" serves to ripen your overall unfolding.
I currently see clients in my office in San Rafael, CA and conduct online Skype, zoom and telephone sessions with clients all over the world. I also conduct online telecall classes and in person workshops pertaining to spiritual development and consciousness evolution, advanced meditation, professional development and planetary healing and evolution. My client population spans the globe and is devoted to those who are deeply committed to the evolution of their psyches and spirits. For more see Core Beliefs and Topics for Consultation... and FAQ...
I welcome into my practice those who consider themselves to be spiritual seekers with some experience with inner personal work and spiritual practice. I particularly specialize in mentoring those folks in the various counseling, ministerial and healing professions as well as folks who have had spiritual emergence and near death experiences, visionary/ mystical experiences, those with alternative energy fields (walk in's and NDE'ers) and those who feel they have been called to the earth as part of this current evolutionary cycle change.
To schedule a Consultation, click a heading under Services or Book Online
Intuitive Subtle Energy Readings
I call this work Re-Unions with the Self and it is a body of work that combines my skills as an intuitive reader of the human energy field, subtle energy practitioner, personal growth facilitator and spiritual mentor. Re-Unions with the Self is first and foremost an experience of Self. An interactive process between you, as the client and myself, Re-Unions with the Self allows information and energy-exchange from the various aspects of your Self to gain access to consciousness for the purposes of healing, transformation and spiritual evolution.
More specifically, while we are working together, I dock my energy field next to yours and become a mirror for your field to transmit information and energy back to you. While I am reading your field, I am also transmitting the energy that accompanies that information into your field, initiating the transformational process. Throughout the entire session, I monitor your energy field to see how it is responding to itself.
Because the energy field works moment to moment, once it hears itself mirrored, it takes the opportunity to reflect upon itself. Sometimes, your field will then decide to edit what it has been considering or simply change its mind. It is my job to always watch how your field is responding to itself and facilitate its negotiations.
In addition to monitoring your field throughout the session, I will be giving you the opportunity to ask any questions, to respond to what has already been read, or to give any feedback. Since you are essentially having a session with yourself, you can always feel free to agree, disagree or to negotiate with the information/energy you have received.
Session Description
Most sessions begin with some information/energy exchange. For some sessions, this format extends throughout the entire session, while for others, we shift formats to some other healing intervention. Other therapeutic modalities include: subtle energy work, energetic dialogue with the various parts of the self, interactive guided imagery, hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming, dream interpretation, EMDR (eye movement desensitization re-processing), EFT (emotional freedom technique-an acupressure release process) and other healing processes that I have developed over the years.
These methods in combination facilitate several primary outcomes including: releasing of out-dated emotions and thought patterns, healing of mind/body difficulties, realignment of Self to one's life purpose, regeneration and activation of the essential energy systems in the body, and the evolution of consciousness in the body.
A major component of this work involves connecting the individual to transformational energies and realms that emanate from higher states of consciousness from both within the body and beyond the Self. These energies, in turn, provide the Self with potent sources to fuel healing and transformation in a way that allows for a much more rapid and efficient process.
The true goal of this work is a more fluid, dynamic and joyful experience of one's own Being. As you unify the alignment of self and Spirit with the potent forces of Life, the way that day to day life unfolds becomes shaped and configured in a uniquely creative way that expresses the beauty of an integrated Self.
Each session is very different as I vary the energetics and the self-development interventions. For those clients who are energy sensitive, the session does usually feel like the kind of energy session you might have if you were lying down on a massage table.
For more commonly asked questions about my work, click here for FAQ....
To schedule a Consultation, click a heading under Services or Book Online
While I am a licensed psychologist in California and Pennsylvania, the consultation practice and the teaching of workshops do not fall under my role as a licensed psychologist. Therefore, I am NOT practicing as a licensed psychologist with you nor am I practicing psychology as it is defined by the law in the state of California. I will not diagnose you, nor will I treat psychological or medical disorders.