Private practice closed for New Clients

2025 July 25-27 Gathering
Living within
Freedom and Free Will
2 Locations:
​Drala Mountain Center
July 25th
The Star House
July 26-27
Co sponsored by All Seasons Chalice
Freedom and Free Will stand for more than just powerful energetics sweeping the Earth, reinstating original and pure frequencies; they are living, breathing, moving forces that birth new paradigms of integrated Wholeness. This in person gathering continue to explore the dynamic wholeness paradigm of the Nexus of Freedom and Free Will. We forge ahead standing on the progress we made at last year's Gathering and all of the unfolding we have lived since then.
During this time of great Earth transition as the old paradigms slip away, we rely on tried and true Intergalactic Models to house our Ground of Being. Intergalactic Models provide a safe bodily container that affords our biology room to birth our emanations that mirror the complexity of our connection to Land, Earth, Stars, Galaxies and the Universe.
2025 marks the year we shift realities: we move more to the present; we shift a static identity to a dynamic moving principle which rhythms to a higher order Life Force; we align directly to Source and we learn to adapt to a dynamically alive vision of the Future. This is the year our very deepest biological structures come alive in a way they have only dreamed.
This Gathering Visions our Future & Futures our Beings; Visions our Future
In Freedom and Free Will

The Star House is located in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, about 15 minutes from Boulder, CO. It is "devoted to the transformation of life on Earth through illuminating and nurturing the connection between Earth, stars and human hearts." (Star House brochure)
Dedicated as a Sanctuary of the Sacred since 1990, the Star House is surrounded by what its founders call "sweeping vistas and intimate hidden places." There are seven sacred sites on the property, corresponding to the chakras. Walking on and working with the land frames a "geomythic" and nondual relationship between self, land and stars. This model correlates to aboriginal ways of being where walking the land is tantamount to walking the star geometries.
Sacred Sites on the Land include:
Mary's Well
Double Tetrahedron swing balancing masculine/feminine energies
Star House meeting room
Dodecahedron meditation chamber
Power Tower a transducer both sending and receiving coherent fields and resonating with the pineal gland
Tetraktys bridge between manifest and unmanifest worlds

You may choose to stay overnight at the Drala Mountain Center by reserving your own accommodations. Book early! All accommodations include dinner and breakfast. Check in is between 2-5 pm so you have time to walk the land with its many trails and take the pilgrimmage route to the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya, blessed in 2006 by the Dalai Lama. The Stupa is located in a crested, prominent site which is a nestled place on the land.
The Center is located about 2.5 hours north of Denver; 2 hours from Boulder and 1 hour from the nearest major town of Fort Collins.
I would encourage you to stay either in Fort Collins or at the Center on the night before the workshop, July 24th. Check in for Drala Center on the 24th is between 2-5 pm so you can get there early, settle in and take a walk.
Here is the site's description of their accommodations:
"Accommodations range from clean and comfortable private lodge rooms with bathrooms to dorm rooms with shared bathrooms to tents with access to bathhouses. Our aim is to support your basic needs while you participate in your program, provide a safe, clean and comfortable environment with wonderful food and a staff dedicated to the success of your retreat. "
See all lodging info at https://www.dralamountain.org/lodging-rates/
To reduce the number of parked cars and traffic, I suggest you carpool. I will be preparing an excel spreadsheet link with all of the participant names, emails and phone numbers , so that you can organize yourselves into carpools.
(see location details below)
Optional Overnight stay at Drala Mountain Center
Overnight booking includes dinner and breakfast
Book your own reservation and book early!
See more info below!
Choose to stay in the nearest town Ft.Collins, an hour away from Drala
Friday, July 25 The Drala Mountain Center
151 Shambhala Way
Red Feather Lakes, Colorado 80545
9:30 am- 4:00 pm
Buffet style lunch at Drala Center offered with dietary options
Cost: included
Suggested overnight stay either in Boulder or Fort Collins
Fort Collins: 1 hour drive from Drala
Boulder, CO 2 hours drive from Drala
Sunset: about 8:30 pm
Saturday, July 26 The Star House
3476 Sunshine Canyon Drive
Boulder, CO 80302
15-20 minutes outside of Boulder in the Rockies
9:30 am-5:00 pm
Bring your own lunch; lunch on the property
Dinner on your own
Sunday, July 27 The Star House
10:30-5:00 pm
Please do not arrive anytime before 10:15 as Star House is booked.
Bring your own lunch; lunch on the property
The Drala Mountain Center is set on a gloriously secluded 600 acres of native forests, rolling meadows and and hidden valleys in the heart of the Colorado Rockies, at an elevation of 8000 feet. Blessed by the Dalai Lama in 2006, it is the perfect sacred site for a retreat/gathering. The Great Stupa of Dharmakaya is one of the largest in the US at 108 feet tall and houses within it, a stunningly aesthetic inner sanctum for meditation.Throughout my stay in Colorado, I have visited the Stupa on many occasions both receiving sacred transmissions and also imprinting the site with blessings and energies. This site houses its own portal connections and the pristine beauty of the land serves to ground the higher portal vibrations, making this a stunning sacred site.There are a variety of meeting rooms, housing options for lodging as well as a place for meals.
2 PAYMENT OPTIONS (there is no mixing of options)
1. $530 to be paid via check, Zelle, Venmo, check to Patricia Fields (email me for addresss)
$265 Deposit to secure your space
$265 Balance due by June 1, 2025
Or pay the full $530
Zelle phone 415-507-9950; Zelle email: fieldspatricia@comcast.net Note: some zelle vendors limit daily transfers
Venmo ID Patricia Fields@spirit-evolving Be sure to see pix of me with short hair and blue turtleneck sweater
if you have any issues, send me your zelle or venmo ID and I will send a request fund text or email.
2. $550 Pay online by credit card at www.spirit-evolving.com/book-online
$275 deposit paid online
$275 Balance due by June 1, 2025
Mixing of payment forms is not an option. If you pay initially by zelle or venmo or check, you need to pay your balance in one of those forms. If you initially book your deposit by the online scheduler then you will need to pay the balance via the online scheduler. Mixed payments indicates your full fee due is $550.00. Discounted fee of $530 only applies if you pay all monies by check, zelle or venmo.
Registration Process BEGINS FEBRUARY 28TH
1. Choose your form of payment and pay.
2.Once paid, please sign the liability form for the Gathering by going to www.spirit-evolving.com/2025-co-waiver. Read and sign.
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations are subject to a $45 administrative fee. No refunds are offered after May 1, 2025. Travel insurance is highly recommended so as to cover all fees including workshop fee in the event you need to cancel
​Fees Include:
Gathering facilitation and acces to Drala Center Grounds
Buffet Lunch
Gathering facilitation; access to Star House grounds during Gathering Hours only
Pre Gathering Telecall
Post Gathering Follow up Call
Fees do not include:
Accommodations or transportation. Car pooling is recommended
Boulder accommodations go fast! Book early!!.
Book early Drala Mountain Center www.dralamountain.org
Book early Fort Collins or Boulder Area; the Star House is bout 15 minutes outside Boulder
A Lodge is a quick 8-10 minute drive on a dirt road from the next canyon over to Star House.. No need to go downtown
New Member Options
If you are not a client of Patrice's or a participant in her Community Calls or other Classes, we would love to invite you to participate in our Gathering. Our Community has an open member policy and we are warm and welcoming; however, as we have been together for some time, we use certain practices and energetics while in Community and working with the Land that you would want to familiarize yourself with in order to have a smooth transition to the energy of the group.
If you are new to this work and interested in joining this Gathering, here is what you can do:
Sign up for a Free 30 minute Zoom meet up with Patrice (under 2025 CO Free New Member) via zoom www.spirit-evolving.com/book-online
After the 30 minute zoom meet up, Schedule a 50 minute session with Patrice at the discounted rate of $35.00. (under 2025 CO 50 Minute New Member)
Pre Gathering Telecall is free to new members
Post Gathering Telecall is free to new members