In this call, I review the meaning of Freedom and distinguish it from Free Will. In the transmission, we open new portals and download what is called a Plane of Existence and burrow it into the Planet. This Plane coordinates biology, will and spirit in such a way that there is cohesion with the timing of our crossover. In the past, body, ego and spirit have not all been on the same page with regards to exiting and spirit has had primacy in the decision. As the Freedom frequencies deepen, we discover we have the right to die when all parts of us are ready, willing and able and there is an cohesive agreement among all parts. This is a radically new alignment for the Planet!
2024 December Community Call: New Alignments for CrossingOver
This call is copyrighted by Patricia Fields, PsyD 2024 with all rights reserved. No modifications can be made without the author's written consent.