Private practice closed for New Clients
Welcome to Deeping Life Force 2022
To get the most out of the Life Force classes, please first watch the FULL class Zoom video and then listen to the practice only MP3’s as often as you like.
Additional class preparation:
Read the Advanced Energy Structures handout
Read the OPEN FOCUS: The Attentional Foundation of Health and Well-Being
Download the Open Focus MP3 practices and do the meditations
Read about Breath Exercises and practice them (posted below)
Practice Qi Gong with this 3-minute video
CLASS 1 ~ Masters of Existence
LIFE FORCE with the Masters of Existence, Masters of the Mystery Universe,
& Masters of the Dark Universe
CLICK HERE to download the FULL class audio file
CLICK HERE to download the Practice only MP3s
The Prime Alignment Life Force Practice – Padmasambhava, Yeshe tsogyal, Masters of the Covenant, One Great Hoop, connecting into the Equator of Planet, and Masters of Existence
CLICK HERE to download the FULL class audio file
CLICK HERE to download the Practice only MP3s
Examples of Olympic athletes in Prime Alignment
Men's Snowboarding Silver & Gold Medalist's
Masters of Life Force ~ Equator
CLICK HERE to download the FULL class audio file
CLICK HERE to download the Practice only MP3s
Resources Mentioned:
-The Platform Practice
CLICK HERE to download the Practices each week. (https://www.mediafire.com/folder/bgzdfw07ei1t5/LIFE_FORCE_2022)
Nature of Order ~ Garden of our DNA
CLICK HERE to download the FULL class Audio file
CLICK HERE to download the Practice only MP3s
Resources Mentioned:
The Ringing Cedars of Russia book by Anastasia Book
CLICK HERE to download the Practices each week. (https://www.mediafire.com/folder/bgzdfw07ei1t5/LIFE_FORCE_2022)
Emanations of Life
CLICK HERE to download the FULL Audio file
CLICK HERE to download the Practice only MP3s
Resources Mentioned:
"Precious Guru" ~ Padmasambhava movie
Porangui Music
"Heart of the World" book by Ian Baker
"Kiss the Ground" movie
CLICK HERE to download the Practices each week. (https://www.mediafire.com/folder/bgzdfw07ei1t5/LIFE_FORCE_2022)
For additional Life Force transmissions listen to the July 27, 2021 telecall on Leaping to Life Force 2, CLICK HERE to purchase.
There are many youtube chi gong and tai chi grounding practices and I will be showing you other practices in class. Here is a chi gong grounding practice https://youtu.be/VteMy71MZA0
Open Focus Mind practices: from the Les Fehmi and George Fritz article Open Focus: The Attentional Foundation of Health and Well Being (practice at the end) CLICK HERE to download the Handout
OPEN FOCUS PRACTICES - CLICK HERE to download all 3 practices ​​
Learn to pace your breath to 6 bpm; breath pacers help with this; see below
Learn to belly breathe
Doasone.com is a World Breathing Room (WBR) that enables you to breathe synchronously with people from around the world and also features a breath pacer.
Free breath apps:
Breath Pacer Lite
HeartMath Inner Balance app for phones with breath pacer (need to buy the breath pacer)https://www.heartmath.com/tech/
HeartMath Quick Coherence video https://youtu.be/sKmKKCdnJ4U
Jeff Tarrant’s breathing suggestions (Neuromeditationinstitute.com):
Breathe from the belly
In the beginning, don’t worry about the pace too much, focus on the qualities of the breathing. Allow the breath to become smooth, relaxed, gentle, long and natural.
Don’t force it. Tuning in to the concept of natural breathing is the most important step in this process.
Time your breathing to determine what pace helps you feel somewhat relaxed and natural. You can do this by simply using a clock with a second hand or a stopwatch.
Allow the inbreath and outbreath to be the same amount of time (ex: 4 seconds in, 4 seconds out)
Do not try to take in or breathe out more air. A common mistake that people make when beginning to work with the breath involves attempting to increase the length of the breath by either breathing in or breathing out more air. The lungs can only hold so much. Attempts to inhale or exhale more air than the lungs can hold will actually create more stress. This is why there is a strong emphasis on allowing the breathing to feel natural. The trick is to slow the rate of breathing without changing the overall amount of air used. Imagine that you are breathing through a straw. You can only inhale or exhale a small amount of air at a time. It is as if the airflow was restricted. You can also imagine that your lungs are like a balloon filled with air and you are holding the opening between your fingers. You control how much air comes out at any given moment. Controlling the flow of air is the best way to slow the breathing without creating discomfort or a hyperventilation response.
If you ever begin to feel lightheaded or uncomfortable, stop the exercise and assess what you might be doing to influence that reaction. Return to natural, relaxed breathing.
If you ever begin to feel lightheaded or uncomfortable, stop the exercise and assess what you might be doing to influence that reaction. Return to natural, relaxed breathing.
Use a breath pacer to help you shift your breathing to 6 breaths per minute. If this is uncomfortable, make it a little faster (ex: 7 breaths per minute)